Changelog ========= +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | Version | Release date | Changes | +=========+==================+================================================================================================================================================================+ | 0.2.1 | 10 January 2021 | - 🟩 Create ``python-weather``. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.2.3 | 11 January 2021 | - 🟦 Fix an :py:class:`IndexError` while initiating :class:`Weather`. | | | | - 🟥 Remove ``__getattribute__`` from :class:`Weather`. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.3.0 | 24 May 2021 | - 🟦 Use properties instead of directly storing attributes. | | | | - 🟩 Add built-in caching capabilities. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ``Weather.forecast`` to ``Weather.forecasts``. | | | | - 🟩 Add an exception class ``HTTPException``. | | | | - 🟩 Add ``__slots__`` to class definitions. | | | | - 🟩 Add ```` in the project root directory. | | | | - 🟦 Use python's walrus operator to clean up repetitive code. | | | | - 🟦 Implement Python's inheritance rather than keeping everything in one class. | | | | - 🟦 Separate ``Client`` from ``HTTPClient``. | | | | - 🟦 Improve the example in README. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.3.3 | 18 June 2021 | - 🟩 Add a bundled-in CLI. | | | | - 🟩 Add ``Weather.format`` property. | | | | - 🟩 Add ``Weather.locale`` property. | | | | - 🟦 Improve the project's typings. | | | | - 🟩 Add ``.gitignore`` in the project's root to remove ``__pycache__`` from appearing. | | | | - 🟦 Tweaks to the project's documentation. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.3.4 | 27 June 2021 | - 🟦 Fix backwards-compatibility for Python 3.7 users by removing all walrus operators. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.3.5 | 29 June 2021 | - 🟦 Fix typo that causes a :py:class:`NameError`. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.3.6 | 26 July 2021 | - 🟦 Fix bug that causes ``IMPERIAL`` to have no effect. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.3.7 | 5 November 2021 | - 🟦 Fix bug that raises an exception when calling ``HTTPException.__repr__``. | | | | - 🟦 ``HTTPException`` now derives from the :py:class:`Exception` class. | | | | - 🟩 Add ``__slots__`` to the class definition for ``HTTPException``. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.3.8 | 28 June 2022 | - 🟥 Remove the bundled-in CLI. | | | | - 🟦 Fix potential :py:class:`NameError` bug. | | | | - 🟥 Remove all built-in caching capabilities. | | | | - 🟦 Update the example with a fix for all Windows systems. | | | | - 🟩 Add GitHub workflows for testing. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.4.0 | 6 August 2022 | - 🟦 Migrate from using Microsoft's MSN API to ````. | | | | - 🟦 Fix dependabot alerts. | | | | - 🟩 Add ``async with`` support for the client instance. | | | | - 🟩 Add additional installation instructions for debian users. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.4.1 | 8 August 2022 | - 🟦 Fix bug when retrieving ``CurrentForecast.local_time``. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.4.2 | 9 September 2022 | - 🟥 Rename ``DailyForecast.average_temperature`` to ``DailyForecast.temperature``. | | | | - 🟦 Printing the forecast result should no longer raise an :py:class:`AttributeError`. | | | | - 🟦 ``Weather.location`` should not return ``None`` now, and should return floats insead of ints. (making it consistent to the type-hint) | | | | - 🟩 Add ``Mist`` property to the ``WeatherType`` enum. | | | | - 🟩 Add an additional ``TCPConnector`` argument to the default ``aiohttp ClientSession``. | | | | - 🟥 Remove unused ``__slots__`` tuple member in the ``BaseForecast`` abstract class. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 0.4.3 | 23 October 2022 | - 🟦 The ``HourlyForecast.time`` property should return a ``datetime`` ``time`` object instead of a raw API :py:class:`int`. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.0.0 | 28 April 2023 | - 🟩 Add custom locale support. | | | | - 🟩 Add lots of new classes and enums, and improve inheritance use. | | | | - 🟩 Add code testing workflow on every commit. | | | | - 🟩 Add code formatting workflow with ``yapf``. | | | | - 🟩 Add dependabot to automatically bump dependencies weekly. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.0.1 | 29 April 2023 | - 🟦 Fix backwards-compatibility for Python 3.7 users by removing the ``Self`` typing. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.0.2 | 18 May 2023 | - 🟦 Fix ``tempC`` and ``tempF`` :py:class:`KeyError`. | | | | - 🟦 Fix :class:`UltraViolet` enum returning incorrect values. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.0.3 | 20 June 2023 | - 🟩 Add missing ``index`` property in the :class:`UltraViolet` enum. | | | | - 🟩 Add more helper methods. | | | | - 🟦 Improve docstrings of several properties. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.0 | 23 November 2023 | - 🟩 Add support for Python 3.12 by upgrading the ``aiohttp`` dependency to v3.9.0. | | | | - 🟥 The library no longer supports Python 3.7, which was discontinued in June 2023. | | | | - 🟦 Removed several instances of copy-pasted code. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.1 | 20 February 2024 | - 🟥 Rename ``chances_of_remdry`` to ``chances_of_remaining_dry`` in order to reduce confusion. | | | | - 🟦 Bump ``aiohttp`` dependency from v3.9.0 to v3.9.3. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 1.1.2 | 25 February 2024 | - 🟩 Add official project documentation in | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2.0.0 | 18 March 2024 | - 🟥 Rename the main forecast's class name from ``Weather`` to :class:`Forecast`. | | | | - 🟥 Merge ``CurrentForecast`` class' properties with :class:`Forecast`'s. Therefore the ``current`` property is removed. | | | | - 🟥 Merge ``Area`` class' properties with :class:`Forecast`. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ``Weather.forecasts`` to ``Forecast.daily_forecasts``. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ``Weather.location`` to ``Forecast.coordinates``. The former now returns the forecast location's name and the latter is no longer an optional type.| | | | - 🟥 Rename ``CurrentForecast.chances_of_hightemp`` to ``Forecast.chances_of_high_temperature``. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ``CurrentForecast.chances_of_remdry`` to ``Forecast.chances_of_remaining_dry``. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ```` to ``Forecast.datetime``. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ``DailyForecast.hourly`` to ``DailyForecast.hourly_forecasts``. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ``Ultraviolet`` to :class:`UltraViolet`. | | | | - 🟩 ``HourlyForecast.heat_index`` now returns a convenience enum called :class:`HeatIndex`. | | | | - 🟥 Merge ``Astronomy`` class' properties with :class:`DailyForecast`. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ``Astronomy.sun_rise`` to ``DailyForecast.sunrise``. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ``Astronomy.sun_set`` to ``DailyForecast.sunset``. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ``Astronomy.moon_rise`` to ``DailyForecast.moonrise``. | | | | - 🟥 Rename ``Astronomy.moon_set`` to ``DailyForecast.moonset``. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2.0.1 | 25 March 2024 | - 🟦 Migrate from ``yapf`` to ``ruff``. | | | | - 🟦 Fix potential :py:class:`NameError` while modifying forecast unit or locale. | | | | - 🟦 Remove several unused imports. | | | | - 🟦 Fix potential :py:class:`NameError` on some typings. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2.0.2 | 25 April 2024 | - 🟩 Add a donation link over at | | | | - 🟦 As of 19 April 2024, all GitHub commits sent to the repository (both manual and automated) will be GPG-signed. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | 2.0.3 | 5 May 2024 | - 🟦 Fix potential :py:class:`NameError` while accessing the ``Phase.emoji`` property. | | | | - 🟦 Refactors on the request delay calculation. | | | | - 🟦 Fix broken donations redirect in the documentation page. | +---------+------------------+----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+